On the application of new laptops, Dolby PC entertainment in version 4 experience, were invited by the English Dolby, company of San Francisco, known for their encodings used in the film and the equipment available on any DVD or Blu - ray.This invitation was to enable us to situation on a computer with this platform Dolby PC entertainment, what has been achieved simply but effectively.Dolby in the (real) principle that "consumers hui strongly use your PC as a platform for entertainment." (C) "is true for gaming, multimedia creation, video (films or movies, erection… reading) and, of course, music games (through sites like YouTube, Dailymotion, sites of type Deezer or Spotify or compressed files during transmission.)"
Having said that, clearly the sound through the small speakers of fidelity lack of PC (not counting a frequency response ridiculous) and it is a representation through an amplifier of music or home theater. Note that for demonstration, the team was only connected in much higher range of equipment based on an amp iiyama-tuner and speakers of b & W.If I speak from experience based on a new computer (an Acer reference in this case), that the Dolby PC entertainment experience platform is not a software layer that can be purchased online or in the merchant of the cornerIt is what is called an OEMdiseñado software exclusively for computer manufacturers who organize their hardware implementation. Dolby has remained vague in trade mark matters may offer this platform, you have monitor products of cards if you are interested.
Dolby is already in the fourth generation of Dolby PC entertainment and this time Dolby said we have developed a completely new set of technologies of digital signal processing. Version 4 (CESP v4) of the Dolby PC entertainment experience! In fact must be understood that Dolby has still worked in the Noctua models and their algorithms and cognitive auditory perception. We are well here in the heart of knowledge to the company.CESP v4 is composed of modules, v4 Dolby Home Theater and Dolby Advanced Audio v2. Dolby Home Theater side v4 creates a sequence of stereo surround or surround sound. The interest of its use is sound for music and downloaded video sources without relief, see realism to talk about his film. Dolby did a braided us not stating in the preamble of their demonstrations that much of the content generated by users of Internet is mixed wrong, resulting in a thumping sound dialogue and unintelligible. In addition to often there are extreme variations in the levels of volume among the different pieces recovered here and there.
"" The idea is, therefore, clear and in fact widely used in home cinema amplifiers, to give to the "" FIFO", clarity and a dynamic revival for the files of which the sound is flat, see anemic after his mode of compression and the age of the soundtrack".The demonstrations organized by Dolby fully demonstrated that you we can act "intelligently" in different frequency bands, knowing that in all cases it's match signal source and transform it. Bet, however if the sources are so bad that we're not a sound for pure sound, originally d files is not totally of CD or DVD you purchased and that these material I / software does not hinder him.
The following two examples of the interface to manage the different options proposed by DolbyThen will be looking for the details of the functions offered by Dolby, as you can see these functions are shared by two challenges, the first approach rather optimize the content, the second to propose optimized restitution according to your preferences.
Close-up of Dolby Home Theater v4 (data Dolby)
The following features in the Dolby Home Theater suite v4 have been designed to meet the challenges associated with the content:• Surround decoding: creates a surround sound by converting audio to two channels of audio channels 5.1 channels 7.1 and 5.1 channel stereo.• Enhancer of dialogue: allows users to listen and understand every word of dialogue• Volume leveler: keeps the volume in all of the content and applications on the basis of the place where the user sets the volume level.• Smart Equalizer: control and govern the sound depending on the configuration previously selected by the user.The smart Equalizer controls the frequency range and dynamically adjusts the sound each time the desired brand.
The following features in the Dolby Home Theater suite v4 have been designed to meet the challenges associated with the reading:
• Volume Maximizer: amplify the audio signal so that users can mount the volume without causing noise or cut.• Audio Optimizer: improve the frequency response of the speakers integrated into the PC, so the sound of the content is the closest thing possible that wanted to be its creator.• Regulatory audio: eliminates or reduces the noise caused by the combination of saturated amplifiers and cabinets.• Graphic Equalizer: allow consumers to establish sound in their exact specifications through a filter of high overall quality.• Surround VIRTUALIZER for integrated speakers: creates a surround sound virtualized to multichannel stereo speakers or stereo content.• Surround VIRTUALIZER of helmets: creates a stereo content virtualized envelope or sound multi-channel stereo in headphones normal.• Dolby Digital output: converts any PC audio signal Dolby Digital, allowing the PC to connect to a home theater system.
In conclusionAs you can see, Dolby provides many functions that really allow representation to adapt to your preferences. Well unfortunately, is not here to buy software, as Dolby works closely with manufacturers: each PC model equipped with a v4 CESP product is personalized by professionals of Dolby and thus enable to implement speakers that can produce a sound clearer and more dynamic than the norm. Can you see if this can be a point of decision on your next purchase of equipment?
By Bruno Orrù
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